The California Avocado Festival, affectionately known as AvoFest, is a delightful celebration dedicated to one of California’s most beloved fruits—the avocado. Held annually in the charming coastal town of Carpinteria, this three-day festival attracts avocado enthusiasts from all over the state and beyond. With a focus on local agriculture, community spirit, and, of course, avocados, AvoFest is a fun and family-friendly event that offers something for everyone.
At the heart of the festival are the avocado-centric food offerings, with local chefs and vendors creating a wide variety of dishes that highlight the versatility of this creamy fruit. From classic guacamole to innovative avocado smoothies, ice creams, and even avocado-inspired desserts, the festival is a paradise for those who love to explore new culinary possibilities. There’s also a dedicated avocado expo, where visitors can learn about the history and cultivation of avocados in California, and even take home some fresh avocados from local farms.